
Discipline With Guidance

Discipline for young girls is no joke.

It’s a huge asset. If one doesn’t have it, they’ve been robbed of a great advantage and a lifetime of benefits.

AS you well know anything returned from a thief has been sullied in some way by the dirty hands of inequity and is somehow now unclean. You will need to overcome this and take up the personal development cross once again. Your King and Queen expect it and love you for it.

If you start out in life as a modern girl with modern values you will lose your chance to become a Great Lady of Worth someday. Time moves forward and progress moves forward but not all progress is good for you. About one-third of the past and ancient values are very raw human and very worth maintaining. If you had been honestly educated you would not want to follow the ways of most so called modern women. For example in the west chastity is mocked and instead of the beauty of femininity, girls are tricked into dressing sexy which is too close to slutty in the eyes of the kind of men that are useless to Deyrnas. Deyrnas attracts great bright and strong men who want refined women.

If you start out as a modern girl (a liberal soft criminal) you will lose your chance to become a truly amazing woman. Today the world promotes soft and hard crime as if they are some new definition of freedom, yet they always ends up in a trap leading to despair.

Despair causes a good girls mind to be incapable of greater thoughts and that is their goal. Liberals say, If it feels good, do it but they mean to say do anything you want to do regardless of who you affect and how it makes others think and feel about it around you, none of that matters.

The liberal goal is for you to be lost (so they can sell you a broken compass and a map) and then fall into despair (so they can sell you a reality TV show and  pills) and eventually to kill yourself metaphorically or literally over lost love and booze in some slow or faster way (so they can sell you cigarettes and a gravestone), that is their idea of freedom; overrunning the lives of decent folk and the salt of the Earth. It’s not freedom. Discipline begins with someone who knows the best ways and can show you the best ways to become The True Women.

As true women are true to her values and her values are true to herself, her man, her family, and her community. Her values are true to the sisterhood and the motherhood. Her discipline becomes self-discipline and she passes on the benefits of the ancient wisdom of wise women.

A child left to figure out what we already know about life’s right and wrong behavior is an unloved child, robbed by a mother who got lost to the modern world of social crime, general mental crimes and clever deception. No regular child can survive the cultural and psychological warfare on your children.

If you disagree now at this point with anything said here, it tells you that you have been harmed too. Like a type of “slow boiling frog of hypnosis” tricked mentally and emotionally in our world by double speak and changing the meaning of important words that hold important concepts for both the western and eastern way of life. If you are humble now, you will start over and enroll in educating and training yourself to be amazing like more women used to be and now barely 7% remain. Bring back the disciplined women because only they can rise to the status of leader, as Lady of Worth.

When one decided to commit to a Disciplined Lifestyle, perhaps in finishing school or with the sisterhood of Deyrnas guidance, then new empowering skills and “development of understanding” is her first reward. Affiliation with others who serve as handmaids, damsels, ladies, princesses and queens with pride in performance is complimentary to the wealth available to responsible women.

With a committed disciplined practice and lifestyle, the need for mistakes errors and punishment to learn from (by life’s folly itself) in any overt or passive form of force that blocks your path, will then vaporize away like a bad night dream. I am saying life gets easier in every way.

This is a page to hold a place for this address while we deploy fully qualified trainers who are the keepers of the handmaids’ book of classical lessons practices and disciplines to make you personally great again.

For now, We installed a Pixel Post part of the site to offer a photo Interaction with images that make us think. PIXELPOST

If you hope to become a leading lady, then your training begins with the handmaid’s disciplines. Then you learn the ways of the ladies who accept the same lessons and responsibilities of the Lords of regions and industry categories.   Deyrnas slants all toward charity and to look after the needs of life itself.

Do you have an emotional connection with money?

If you said no you are lying to yourself. Please keep your self-deception to yourself.

Embrace the truth that money is energy, it won’t hurt you. Learn to unlock something awesome. “Easy Going Security” If you have an anti-money issue it was not an idea you invented all by yourself. You had that lie implanted by the implied words and actions of other emotionally bankrupt people whether in person or in media and film. Lies you tell yourself are often hard to remove, but money hater is a toxic poison and it has to go or you have to go.

Lies we tell to yourself are often hardest to exorcise, but money hater is a toxic poison and it has to go or you have to go. We can never allow women of this false belief in around other women who are dedicating themselves to becoming great again. Separate the facts from fiction. Are you a good person, yes or no? Are you the head of a multi-national culture and planet killing empire, yes or no?

Your “hate” of money is actually a hate of big cold hearted impersonal power in massive corporations. The money you need want and have is in your good hand right, and it is used for good purposes 8 out of 9 times. That’s the money we want you to have and to hold so that you can join us owning your power and able to do the natural social good that disciplined women can but financially strapped women never realize the joy thereof.

In addition, women think in a way that causes them to fall for old tricks and fraud. The fraudster looks for money ignorant women and takes them for a ride. Women are actually able to be robbed and never know it, just like some men, but it happens to women more often. The Ladies and Lords of society do not want this to happen to our young women and the mothers of our future.

We are going to teach you for one year. It is a chance to break the bad habits and create a level 3 capital account. You will have a financial backup deposit in the end and it will definitely make you feel better. That is where you will realize that your cash available stash is part of your freedom from risk and part of your emotional fortress against the bad decision that poor minded people make, leading them into the traps of liberal thinking. Liberal doctors sell women billions in anti-anxiety but the loss of money is the main cause because that is the loss of options and the loss of personal freedom. Those drugs then make it harder to learn the truth about the energy that is stored in money.

Liberal doctors sell women billions in anti-anxiety pills but the loss of money is the main cause of anxiety (which you will survive) because without money and money know how that creates the loss of options and loss of personal freedom. Those drugs then make it harder to study and learn the truth about the energy and cash and that money is stored energy. Energy is free from the Earth and Sky. We will help you tap into that free energy.

The tuition fee so you can learn all about clear clean guilt free money, receiving support and coaching when appropriate, is 25 cents per week paid for one year in advance. The math is $13 a year.

We always seek fine editors and article contributors to give each one the chance to express themselves while helping us bring home our point.

Our site(s) are too vast and our mission too extensive for the paid office staff to do everything we want to in a timely manner. If you are a member at 25 cents a week consider it your duty to help by catching errors and types and anything that could be better, including rewriting sections of all the many sites under the Deyrnas brand. If you are a visitor we would still love to hear from you and involve you in the discussions here and on other areas.






























